Welcome to the neighborhood

I’ve added a few more press blogs to our university press blogroll recently, and I wanted to bring them to your attention and encourage you to go check them out.

Island Press focuses on environmental issues. Their Eco-Compass blog features posts by authors discussing green development, conservation, wildlife, sustainability, population growth, and more.

NYU Press, whose blog From the Square has come back new and redesigned after a hiatus, features posts by authors, links to interviews and podcasts, and even a book trailer.

Princeton University Press has a new blog in full swing with articles from authors, interviews, publicity news, and a special post from the Press’s economics editor, who helped bring to print a host of books that provide good insight into the current financial crisis.

I look forward to reading news from these folks in the future.

Oh! And Happy Halloween! If you plan on spending the night in a North Carolina graveyard, take a flashlight and a copy of Sticks and Stones: Three Centuries of North Carolina Gravemarkers, by Ruth Little (with photos by Tim Buchman). Learn a little something while you watch for ghosts!

For more spooky stories, check out our previous post on ghosts of the Carolina coast!

[cue Vincent Price]

Bwwwaahahahahahahahaha . . .
