Video: Jesus Christ at Comic-Con

In The Color of Christ: The Son of God and the Saga of Race in America, Edward J. Blum and Paul Harvey discuss America’s perceptions of the race of Jesus Christ. To observe some popular opinions, an interviewer took her camera to Comic-Con last weekend, where she asked attendees about their views of Jesus. From questions about who would win in a fight, Jesus or the Joker? to popular perceptions of Jesus’s race, see the colorful answers from the even more colorful Comic-Con attendees.

Jesus at Comic-Con


To learn more about race and Jesus in America, check out the book, The Color of Christ, in which Edward J. Blum and Paul Harvey weave a tapestry of American dreams and visions—from witch hunts to web pages, Harlem to Hollywood, slave cabins to South Park, Mormon revelations to Indian reservations—to show how Americans remade the Son of God visually time and again into a sacred symbol of their greatest aspirations, deepest terrors, and mightiest strivings for racial power and justice.

The authors are collecting more stories on the book’s website, You can also find great teaching tools there. The book will be published in September, but you can pre-order now.

Stay in touch and learn more through the book’s Facebook page, or follow the authors on Twitter @edwardjblum and @pharvey61.