From Brown to Meredith: The Long Struggle for School Desegregation in Louisville, Kentucky, 1954-2007, by Tracy E. K’Meyer

When the Supreme Court overturned Louisville’s local desegregation plan in 2007, the people of Jefferson County, Kentucky, faced the question of whether and how to maintain racial diversity in their schools. This debate came at a time when scholars, pundits, and much of the public had declared school integration a failed experiment rightfully abandoned. Using oral history narratives, newspaper accounts, and other documents, Tracy E. K’Meyer exposes the disappointments of desegregation, draws attention to those who struggled for over five decades to bring about equality and diversity, and highlights the many benefits of school integration.

Also available as an Enhanced E-book.
Visit the book page: From Brown to Meredith: The Long Struggle for School Desegregation in Louisville, Kentucky, 1954-2007