Women in electronic music history: early innovators (and some later ones)

I was grateful to CinéSPEAK to be offered the opportunity to dj in Clark Park Philadelphia at the Philadelphia premiere of Sister with Transistors, a documentary about early women in electronic music. While the film begins to address incomplete accounts of electronic music history. Unfortunately, it suffers from being overwhelmingly white & Western in focus. It neglects women experimental artists from Africa, Asia, South America and Black/women of color within North America.

In the leadup to the show I developed some posts for my instagram that told the stories of just a few of the neglected women, some called 'experimental/avantgarde' and some not. While celebrating the talented women included in the film, we can also think about how boundaries of genre, institutional access and geography shape who is/isn't seen & heard. Below I am putting all my posts as a gallery you can click through, there is further explanatory text up at my instagram page and some links to research further and hopefully pave the way for the next, more mindful and inclusive documentary!

(you can also listen to my Dj set which features all women and plenty of BIPOC women here: https://soundcloud.com/ripley/somesistersmixforcinespeak)