Tag: baseball

American Legion, Episode 1: An Excerpt from “Cracks in the Outfield Wall”

The following is an excerpt from Cracks in the Outfield Wall: The History of Baseball Integration in the Carolinas by Chris Holaday, which is now available wherever books are sold. In the summer of 1934, six teams of high school–age boys met in Gastonia, North Carolina, for a three-day tournament to decide the Eastern Sectional Champion of American Legion baseball.… Continue Reading American Legion, Episode 1: An Excerpt from “Cracks in the Outfield Wall”

Excerpt: Transpacific Field of Dreams, by Sayuri Guthrie-Shimizu

The current scholarly consensus holds that no single individual created baseball; rather, it evolved incrementally from various forms of bat-and-ball folk games, including British rounders. This cultural form of transatlantic hybrid pedigree grew into a modern team sport in Philadelphia, Boston, and New York in the early nineteenth century, with each of these burgeoning northeastern American cities developing its distinctive formats of the game. Continue Reading Excerpt: Transpacific Field of Dreams, by Sayuri Guthrie-Shimizu

‘Bring Your “A” Game’ Now in Blog Form

For the amateur athlete, there are countless resources that explain how to improve on the mechanics of any given sport. Yet, very little has been said about the mental preparation needed to perform at the highest level, an aspect that is of equal importance to the physical side. Filling that void, Jennifer L. Etnier’s Bring Your “A” Game is an… Continue Reading ‘Bring Your “A” Game’ Now in Blog Form

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

We have more than our share of serious baseball fans here at the UNC Press. Personally, I grew up a Washington Senators fan who turned his allegiances to the Baltimore Orioles after the Senators left town in the 1971. Our Associate Director here at the Press is also an Orioles fan as well as a fan of our own UNC… Continue Reading Take Me Out to the Ball Game