These mad days

Just minutes from now, our Point-Guard-in-Chief ™ will be releasing his brackets for the NCAA tournament on ESPN. But we’ve already learned that he’s got our Tar Heels in his final four!

Here at the Press, Joanne and I are in the home stretch, sort of . . . almost? . . . putting together the fall 2009 catalog of new books. (I do the words part, she brings the pretty.) The book designers are designing their hearts out — bless them —  so we can include all the cover designs with the new book announcements.

Meanwhile, we’re very excited about our current books. And March is full of author events. Lots in North Carolina, but also a few on up the east coast, in DC, Philly, and NYC. We’ve also got three authors (Peter Cozzens, Charles Irons, and Stan Ulanski) appearing at the Virginia Festival of the Book, which gets underway today in Charlottesville.

We’re finally starting to see sunshine today after four days of rain. And the cherry trees are juuuust starting to bloom.

yours in basketball fever/spring fever/just plain fever,
