Free Book Friday! Lessons from the Sand by Charles & Orrin Pilkey
It’s Free Book Friday!! Enter to win a copy of Lessons from the Sand by Charles O. Pilkey and Orrin H. Pilkey via Goodreads. Each easy-to-follow activity is presented in full color with dozens of whimsical and informational illustrations that will engage and guide readers through the experiments. Great for taking along on your next beach vacation! The giveaway ends on Friday, July 15, so get your entry in now!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Lessons from the Sand by Charles O. Pilkey and Orrin H. Pilkey
Giveaway ends July 15, 2017. See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
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Ever wonder where sand comes from? Or why shells are colored differently? Or how to estimate the size of a wave? Featuring more than forty fun hands-on activities for families with children, Lessons from the Sand reveals the science behind the amazing natural wonders found on the beaches of North Carolina and South Carolina. Easy-to-do experiments will help parents and kids discover the ways water, wind, sand, plants, animals, and people interact to shape the constantly changing beaches we love to visit.
Featuring colorful illustrations and clear instructions, most activities require nothing more than an observant eye and simple tools found at local stores. You will learn about geology, weather, waves and currents, the critters that live on our beaches, and the environmental issues that threaten them. Chapters also include indoor activities for rainy days and activities for nighttime discovery. This book will become an indispensable companion for families, teachers, and students heading to the Carolina coast for years to come.
The fine print: Must be a U.S. resident. UNC Press and Longleaf Services employees are not eligible.
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