New Books This Week
It’s Tuesday which means we have new books that are officially on-sale wherever books are sold! You can also see our list of everything new in October on our Hot Off the Press page. Plus, if you want updates in your inbox every month on new titles and what’s happening at UNC Press, you can sign up for our monthly eNews here.

Oh, Didn’t They Ramble: Rounder Records and the Transformation of American Roots Music by David Menconi with a foreword by Robert Plant
“An admiring tribute [and] well-researched celebration of Rounder’s influence and accomplishments.”—Kirkus Reviews
“The Rounders felt a calling to share what they loved and ended up making history while trying to preserve it. The sheltered sounds of traditional American roots music have been greatly amplified by Rounder’s passion for sharing the good news. The story of Rounder Records has been well told in this fine book, revealing a mission of the heart.”—Alison Krauss
“As a man of few words, just let me say, Rounder Records made me, and vice-y verse-y.”—George Thorogood

Far From the Rooftop of the World: Travels among Tibetan Refugees on Four Continents by Amy Yee
See upcoming author events with Amy
“[A comprehensive] look at look at the Tibetan refugee experience . . . . with atmospheric details, historical facts, and scenes from daily life in India, all of which Yee recounts in a [vulnerable and charming] narratorial voice.”—Kirkus Reviews
“Through incredible personal narratives, Far from the Rooftop of the World paints a deep, nuanced picture of the Tibetan diaspora and the real human impact of China’s policy toward Tibet.”—Foreword Reviews

Awakeing the Ashes: An Intellectual History of the Haitian Revolution by Marlene L. Daut
“By exposing the intellectual contributions of nineteenth-century Haitian scholars and leaders to our modern understanding of freedom and equality, Daut shows the ongoing racism of current intellectual genealogies and offers a new way of thinking about the fields of colonial and postcolonial studies.”—Julia Gaffield, author of Haitian Connections in the Atlantic World: Recognition after Revolution
“Daut brings alive Haiti’s fascinating intellectual history and shows brilliantly how Haitian thinkers shaped the culture and politics of their own country even as they transformed broader understandings of race, revolution, and the writing of history. This powerful and necessary book challenges us to think differently about the global history of thought.”—Laurent Dubois, author of Haiti: The Aftershocks of History

Ambivalent Affinities: A Political History of Blackness and Homosexuality after World War II by Jennifer Dominique Jones
“Jones moves beyond the high-water decades of the civil rights movement and the intense period of institutionalized homophobia to provide the most comprehensive history of the post–civil rights era to date.”—John D’Emilio, author of Memories of a Gay Catholic Boyhood: Coming of Age in the Sixties
“An important, field transformative book that queers the history of mid-20th century social movements in the U.S. By treating race, gender, and sexuality as tightly entwined in both the postwar Black freedom struggle and lesbian and gay civil rights movement as well as in the rise of the New Right, Jones upends dominant assumptions about political mobilization and power in this period. This is queer political history at its very best.”—Christina B. Hanhardt, author of Safe Space: Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence

Captivity’s Collections: Science, Natural History, and the British Transatlantic Slave Trade by Kathleen S. Murphy
“Richly detailed, this book reveals how plants became entangled in the political and economic structures of the British slave trade.”—Londa Schiebinger, author of Secret Cures of Slaves: People, Plants, and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World
“Innovative, unflinching, and deeply important—this is a tour de force of historical scholarship and a must-read for anyone interested in the interplay between science, slavery, and colonialism in the eighteenth century.”—Benjamin Breen, author of The Age of Intoxication: Origins of the Global Drug Trade
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