Tag: Fourth of July

Celebrating Independence with the US Constitution

As we prepare for a day full of barbecues, fireworks, family, and friends, let’s not forget the foundation upon which American independence rests: the US Constitution, which continues to shape our nation’s identity and guide its course. For those seeking a deeper understanding of this document, there’s no better time to delve into the wealth of academic scholarship dedicated to its history, meaning, and ongoing… Continue Reading Celebrating Independence with the US Constitution

Craig Bruce Smith: The Minds and Hearts of the People

Happy Fourth!  Today we welcome a guest post from Craig Bruce Smith, author of American Honor: The Creation of the Nation’s Ideals during the Revolutionary Era. The American Revolution was not only a revolution for liberty and freedom, it was also a revolution of ethics, reshaping what colonial Americans understood as “honor” and “virtue.” As Craig Bruce Smith demonstrates, these… Continue Reading Craig Bruce Smith: The Minds and Hearts of the People

Great Seaside Reads from UNC Press

As you prepare to head to the beach for the upcoming Fourth of July holiday, don’t forget to take along a couple of UNC Press guidebooks–for great beach reading and shore-line fun.  Whether it’s discovering and identifying seashells and coastal plants, finding the best fishing spots along the NC coast, or reading the dramatic story of the discovery of Blackbeard’s… Continue Reading Great Seaside Reads from UNC Press