E. Patrick Johnson’s “Pouring Tea” in Chapel Hill and Durham

If you didn’t go check out the videos mentioned in Tom’s post on Sweet Tea a couple of weeks ago, go do it now. In fact, here’s a direct link to the page where the videos are. Go on. I’ll wait. . . .
. . . Okay, I actually just went and re-watched all six of them again. I think the “Freddie” clip is my favorite. Followed by Duncan and Stephen.
E. Patrick Johnson is visiting the Triangle this weekend!! Details after the jump. Johnson gave a reading this afternoon on the UNC campus (sorry my post is too late to catch that!). He’ll be performing his one man show, “Pouring Tea,” at 7 p.m. this evening (Thursday, 9/25) at the Sonja Haynes Stone Center at UNC (pre-performance reception starts at 6 p.m.).
Tomorrow (Friday, 9/26) at 7 p.m. Johnson will read from and discuss the book at The Regulator Bookshop in Durham. You can still go to the reading and get home in time to watch the presidential debate at 9 p.m. (eastern)–if the debate goes ahead as scheduled, that is.
For those of you in other states, Johnson is scheduled to perform “Pouring Tea” in Minnesota, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin over the next few months. Our Sweet Tea page has details.
See you at the show.
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