UNC Press COVID-19 Operations Status
An Update from Chapel Hill
UNC Press and Longleaf Services continue to have its staffs operate in mostly remote locations because of the pandemic. Our offices in Brooks Hall generally have a few staff members in each day, but accessibility there is very limited. While vaccines are becoming more prevalent, the public health situation still limits our presence on campus and we expect this to continue through the early summer.
In order to provide the staff with much needed time to focus on their work and home lives, I have designated Fridays through the end of July as days for the staff to reduce their meetings and interoffice communications. If you reach out to us on a Friday, there may be a day’s delay in getting a response. If you have an urgent need, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email.
John Sherer
Spangler Family Director
Latest Update
April 20, 2021

For Our Authors
Please see the most recent update from the Acquisitions team (docx) regarding current policies and workflows for incoming manuscripts.

Book Orders and Shipments
Our Customer Service team at Longleaf Services is processing orders, and our warehouse and distribution partner, Ingram, is operational. You may order books from our website or support your local independent bookstore by ordering online through indiebound.org or bookshop.org.

Conferences, Exhibits, and Festivals
UNC Press has cancelled all business travel until at least mid-summer 2021.
We’re getting creative, though, so stay tuned here as we connect you to our “virtual exhibits”!

American Society for Environmental History (ASEH)
Browse our ASEH virtual exhibit

Organization of American Historians (OAH)
Browse our OAH virtual exhibit

Society for Military History (SMH)
Browse our SMH virtual exhibit

Native American & Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA)
Browse our NAISA virtual exhibit

American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM)
Browse our AAHM virtual exhibit

Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
Browse our LASA virtual exhibit

Berkshire Conference of Women Historians (Berks)
Browse our Berks virtual exhibit

Society of Civil War Historians (SCWH)
Browse our Berks virtual exhibit

Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)
Browse our SHAFRs virtual exhibit

Society for Historians of the Early American Republic (SHEAR)
Browse our SHEAR virtual exhibit

American Sociological Association (ASA)
Browse our ASA virtual exhibit

Author Events
Some in-person author events are still on the schedule as planned. Many have been cancelled or transformed into virtual events. We’re updating our Author Events page each morning with the latest.

Office Staff
Most of the UNC Press staff is currently working remotely. Email is the best way to reach folks at this time. See our Staff Directory for email contact information. Please allow for extra response time as we are all making our way under extraordinary circumstances, often with additional demands at home.

The Press’s internship and work study programs have been suspended during the pandemic. We hope to resume with the fall 2021 once Press staff have returned to Brooks Hall. Please visit the Employment page for updates.

Media Review Copies
We are checking in with all of our usual reviewers to see if they would prefer to receive packages at their homes, or, preferably, digital review copies. Media inquiries can be directed to publicity@uncpress.org.

Educator Exam and Desk Copies
We continue to offer texts in print and electronic formats. Please see our For Educators page for details about making a request.
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