On the Occasion of Our Centennial Year, We Present the New UNC Press Colophon
From Merriam-Webster:
Colophon: noun
col·o·phon | \ ˈkä-lə-fən , -ˌfän \
Definition of colophon:
1: an inscription at the end of a book or manuscript usually with facts about its production
2: an identifying mark used by a printer or a publisher
The University of North Carolina Press is thrilled to share our new colophon design (otherwise known as: logo), created by Art Director Lindsay Starr. Thank you, Lindsay, for creating an elegant, sleek, clean, and beautiful new logo that coincides with our 100th anniversary, as we embark on the second century of our publishing!

“Inspired by the towering pine trees that dominate the Chapel Hill campus and environment, the design of UNC Press’s new logo evokes the feeling of looking through a forested landscape. The tall, narrow dark brown “NC” at the center supports a bright green form that melds an open book with the letter “UP” and a bookmark pointing south.”—Lindsay Starr on what inspired her design.
This new identification and branding mark will start appearing today on our website and social media channels, and will further emerge throughout 2022 in our marketing, as well as on all future books published by UNC Press.
Pop over to view our Spring 2022 frontlist catalog online to see an incomplete selection of logos from our past one hundred years of publishing.
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