Trending This Month: September
See what’s trending at UNC Press. Enjoy this reading list of the most viewed books on our website this month.

Capitalism and Slavery, Third Edition by Eric Williams with a new foreword by William A. Darity Jr. and an introduction by Colin A. Palmer
“[This] new edition of Capitalism and Slavery . . . reminds us in particular of Williams’s independent political and intellectual spirit and how his scholarship upended the historiographical consensus on slavery and abolition.”—The Nation
“In 1944 Eric Williams published his classic Capitalism and Slavery which sparked a scholarly conversation that has yet to die down. In many ways, the debates it generated are more vibrant now than ever and promise to be a lasting touchstone for historians well into the future.”—Black Perspectives

White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America by Anthea Butler
A 2021 Choice Outstanding Academic Title
“This scathing takedown of evangelicalism’s ‘racism problem’ will challenge evangelicals to confront and reject racism within church communities.”—Publishers Weekly
“A concise history of the racism that structures white evangelical Christianity in America. . . . [The] clear and forceful synthesis provides a useful entry point for evangelicals and non-evangelicals alike seeking to learn the history and contemporary reality of white evangelical political power in the United States.”—Library Journal

Together: The Amazing Story of Carolina Basketball’s 2021–2022 Season by Adam Lucas, Steve Kirschner, Mat Bowers and a foreword by Hubert Davis
Distributed for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Athletics
“This team was special. They will never forget what they accomplished this year. And they created them together.”—from the foreword by Head Coach Hubert Davis

Agrotopias: An American Literary History of Sustainability by Abby L. Goode
“A significant contribution to a growing field of studies on pre–twentieth century antecedents to contemporary sustainability rhetoric and practices. Agrotopias highlights the ways that U.S. agrarianism has been entangled from the beginning with nativist and eugenic assumptions about population control and racial purity.”—William Gleason, Princeton University
“An important intervention in the history of American agrarianism.”—Timothy Sweet, West Virginia University

A Field Guide to Mushrooms of the Carolinas By Alan E. Bessette, Arleen R. Bessette, Michael W. Hopping
“This reliable guide will surely be of use outside the Carolinas.”—Choice
“The unusually large number of described species makes this book a must-have for experienced mushroom hunters as well as beginners. Here, at last, is the field guide for North and South Carolina mushrooms, from the mountains to the coast, presented in one portable volume.”—Southeastern Naturalist
“The first modern field guide to mushrooms of the Carolinas.”—Cathy Cripps, Montana State University
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