New UNC Press Titles in the NEH Fellowships Open Book Program
We are pleased to announce the latest batch of UNC Press e-books being made available as Open-access (OA)—free of charge and for immediate download—via an award sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships Open Book Program.
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The previous titles made available through open access via the NEHFOP program have seen a significant increase in the number of downloads and access via all OA platforms they are distributed to, including Project Muse, Books at JSTOR, Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks, and Barnes & Noble. These books are being accessed in countries around the world, including strong downloads in particular in Australia, the Philippines, and the United Kingdom.
“The continued expansion of our open digital editions supports the Press’s long-term mission to disseminate its scholarship as broadly as possible. At the same time, it aligns with our more recent efforts to be an organization whose work is centered on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Removing financial barriers to access is one of the most equitable and inclusive acts we can perform as a publisher. We’re very grateful for the support of the NEH in making this happen.”
—John Sherer, Spangler Family Director, UNC Press.
The new titles sponsored by the NEHFOBP are:
Game of Privilege: An African American History of Golf by Lane Demas

Half in Shadow: The Life and Legacy of Nellie Y. McKay by Shanna Greene Benjamin

Technocrats and the Politics of Drought and Development in Twentieth-Century Brazil by Eve E. Buckley

Medicine, Science, and Making Race in Civil War America by Leslie A. Schwalm

About the NEH Fellowships Open Book Program: The NEHFOBP is a limited competition designed to make outstanding humanities books available to a wide audience. By taking advantage of low-cost e-book technology, the program allows teachers, students, scholars, and the public to read humanities books that can be downloaded or redistributed for no charge.
Each e-book is released under a Creative Commons license, making those books free for anyone to download.
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