Tips for Authors Getting Started on Threads

Threads is Meta’s new social media app that has taken the social media world by storm, with millions of sign-ups within the first few hours of launching.  At UNC Press we’ve been on the app since it launched and have already found a wonderful community of authors, academics, and fellow book-lovers. While we don’t know what the future of the app looks like, it seems unlikely that it will go away, and we believe that this is another tool in authors tool belts that you can use to promote yourself and your work. Today, we’re sharing some of our tips for getting started and building a following on Threads.

Sign Up

If you’re not already on Threads and you have an existing instagram account, you should sign up. Even though there’s already over 100 hundred million users there are still many people who have yet to sign up, and the app is not yet offering paid ads that will take up space on users feed as well. The more people who join a social media app the harder it is for you to be discovered organically, so sign up now, and make your profile public.

Connect Your Instagram followers

One of the reasons that people believe threads has been so successful is because it’s extremely easy to sign up through Instagram and automatically follow all of your Instagram followers on Threads. Connecting your Instagram followers is a great way to hit the ground running with followers who are likely already are interested in what you have to say.

Link to Your Threads Profile

An easy way to make sure people find you on Threads is to link to your threads profile on your website and in your bio’s on other social media apps. If you’re not already doing this in your social media bios, use a link in bio tool such a Link.tree to list all of your links in one place.

You can also make a post with your threads link letting people know you are on threads and encouraging them to follow you. There’s nothing wrong with cross-promoting your platforms.

New App, New You

Don’t be afraid to post content that is different from what you’ve post on other social media apps. The beauty of threads is its conversational, text based posts, much like its competitor, Twitter. Although the basis of Threads is similar to Twitter, users have already made it clear that they have no interest in Threads becoming a replica of Twitter, so this is an opportunity to create a new kind of text-based content that you may not currently be sharing elsewhere. Don’t be afraid to be fun and quippy and share insights into your personal interests rather than just your academic interests.

Build Community

Because threads does not currently offer the ability to search topics or hashtags, this makes it easier to focus on building strong relationships with your current followers. Focus on posting things that you enjoy and that your audience will find interesting or amusing rather than what the algorithm wants.

Don’t Sell, Start Conversations

It’s far too soon for anyone to claim to be a Threads expert so there are no rules as to what makes the best Threads strategy. However, it appears that most users, even big brands, are focusing more on starting conversations and sharing thoughts and insights. Think of yourself as a public intellectual focused on starting conversations rather than just an author trying to sell your book.

Stay Active

Posting, following, quoting, and commenting on threads, will all help boost your discoverability, all while you stay up to date on what’s happening within the app.

Have Fun

This app is new and it’s the perfect opportunity to make social media fun rather than laborious. People love to see authenticity and people will naturally be drawn to you and what you have to say if they see you enjoying yourself on the app.

Brock Schnoke is the Digital Marketing Specialist at UNC Press.