Category: Poetry

New This Week: February 18th

We’re excited to have three new books publishing today on topics including poetry, women’s basketball history, how media mistreats Black girls, and a dive into grief across generations and oceans. Learn more about these titles below or visit our Hot Off the Press page to see everything new publishing this month. Shattering the Glass: The Remarkable History of Women’s Basketball by Pamela… Continue Reading New This Week: February 18th

Whitman Scholar Kenneth Price Uncovers New Trove of Poet’s Documents

UNC Press author Kenneth M. Price recently uncovered a cache of 3,000 documents written and signed by American poet Walt Whitman at the National Archives. Continue Reading Whitman Scholar Kenneth Price Uncovers New Trove of Poet’s Documents

The fisher poets, then and now

“On the boat, I don’t have a TV,” he said. “We just read.” So it has been for hundreds of years. A recent New York Times article about the Fisher Poets Weekend (which was held this past weekend in Astoria, Oregon) introduces several of the seafaring poets who gather once a year to share verse inspired by their working lives.… Continue Reading The fisher poets, then and now