Banned Books Week Gallery
National Banned Books Week ended on Saturday, but we’re not done! A few readers took me up on the invitation to send in photos of “getting caught reading a banned book.” I also stumbled upon a few other photos of folks around the country gettin’ down with Banned Books Week. The anonymous, the canine (more from Gus!), and the in-your-face, after the jump . . .

In Fayetteville, Arkansas, Nightbird Books celebrated the week by encouraging customers to make a financial contribution to the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE). Those who donated got their picture taken with their favorite book (banned or not). Check out their slide show on Flickr! caught one library in Virginia really putting on a show–literally. Check out the window display at the Twin Hickory Area Library in Glen Allen! Live humans! Reading!
Thanks for playing along–and for not playing along when it comes to censorship.
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