Search Results for: video

Good stuff from the internet that we think you might like

Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with all the good stuff going on up on the interwebs. All of these stories warrant posts here, but instead of falling way behind, I’ve decided to round ’em up and toss ’em out to you as a batch. You’ll find public history, Sidney Poitier, Catholic feminism, Civil War, black women academics, university presses,… Continue Reading Good stuff from the internet that we think you might like

Does the Web Undermine Reading?

In a recent article by Naomi Alderman in The Guardian (UK) the author writes on “How the web is undermining reading.” In the article Ms Alderman writes: ” Reading has been on the decline for the past half-century – largely, it seems, because television has replaced reading in our leisure time. I love television: even with the slew of boring… Continue Reading Does the Web Undermine Reading?

From Macmillan Digital – “From the Typewriter to the Bookstore: A Publishing Story”

From the Typewriter to the Bookstore: A Publishing Story (via Macmillan USA on YouTube) Ever wondered how a manuscript becomes a book? Just what goes on with an author? What happens at a publishing house? Who does what? How does which? Where does what go when? And, most importantly, how much money does an Editorial/Acquisitions Assistant really make? Well wonder… Continue Reading From Macmillan Digital – “From the Typewriter to the Bookstore: A Publishing Story”

A Woodwright Considers the Axe

When Popular Woodworking and Woodworking Magazine held their “Woodworking in America” workshop in November 2008 they called upon the one man who all woodworkers could admire and appreciate to deliver the keynote address: star of PBS’s The Woodwright’s Shop and author of our series of “Woodwrights” books, Roy Underhill. For the uninitiated, Roy Underhill is the modern-day woodworking guru for… Continue Reading A Woodwright Considers the Axe

There Is Power in a Union

YouTube: Billy Bragg – There Is Power in a Union Laid off with a mere 3 days’ notice (instead of the legally required 60 days) and denied severance, health insurance, and earned vacation pay, about 200 employees of Republic Windows and Doors in Chicago have been peacefully occupying the Republic factory for five days. Last night their union agreed to… Continue Reading There Is Power in a Union

Roy Underhill talks to Mother Earth News

America’s favorite traditional woodworker, Roy Underhill, recently talked to Mother Earth News about his brand new book, The Woodwright’s Guide: Working Wood with Wedge and Edge. The next time someone asks me what famous (not dead) person I’d like to have dinner with, I’m going to have to say Roy Underhill. Wait a sec . . . I work for… Continue Reading Roy Underhill talks to Mother Earth News

E. Patrick Johnson’s “Pouring Tea” in Chapel Hill and Durham

If you didn’t go check out the videos mentioned in Tom’s post on Sweet Tea a couple of weeks ago, go do it now. In fact, here’s a direct link to the page where the videos are. Go on. I’ll wait. . . . . . . Okay, I actually just went and re-watched all six of them again. I… Continue Reading E. Patrick Johnson’s “Pouring Tea” in Chapel Hill and Durham

Deaf Awareness Week

I took some sign language classes about twenty years ago and had some interaction with the deaf community at the time, but when the classes ended, I didn’t keep it up. I remember little more than the American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet, plus a few things like “more,” “thank you,” and “finished,” which I learned again when my sister started… Continue Reading Deaf Awareness Week

Froth and Scum – Then and Now

I have a great deal of respect for Bill Moyers. Moyers, a former White House Press Secretary for Lyndon Johnson, newspaper journalist, commentator for PBS, CBS, and NBC and now host of his own program, Bill Moyers Journal, is that rare breed of journalist who understands that issues are generally far more complex than a five-second sound bite. All of… Continue Reading Froth and Scum – Then and Now

Taking a Break with Sweet Tea

Working in the IT division of the Press, I don’t get a chance to interact with many of our authors. E. Patrick Johnson is one author I have had the pleasure of corresponding with. Through my work with Johnson to select and refine our promotional page for his book (see below) I can attest to his humor, his appreciation for… Continue Reading Taking a Break with Sweet Tea

Exploring Torpedo Junction

Yesterday’s All Things Considered on NPR aired a story about recent efforts by marine preservationists to survey and document sunken German U-boats off Cape Hatteras, NC. Adam Hochberg talks to both a former German sailor and a local Hatteras resident who recalls hearing the torpedoes from the u-boats attacking American vessels. This is the history in which UNCP’s Taffy of… Continue Reading Exploring Torpedo Junction

How healthy is “healthy”?

Yesterday’s New York Times offered a fantastic point/counterpoint book review pairing Nortin Hadler’s Worried Sick: A Prescription for Health in an Overtreated America with Nancy Snyderman’s book Medical Myths That Can Kill You: And the 101 Truths That Will Save, Extend and Improve Your Life. According to Hadler, a professor of medicine at UNC and attending rheumatologist at UNC Hospitals,… Continue Reading How healthy is “healthy”?