Author: Brock Schnoke

Iconic Books From The Past 100 Years: Part 2

Over the past 100 years UNC Press is proud to have published an extensive catalog of award winning and highly praised books. As we celebrate our centennial, we’ve looked back at these prestigious titles to highlight some of our most influential and iconic books. You can find our first blog post of iconic books here. The Transformation of Virginia, 1740-1790… Continue Reading Iconic Books From The Past 100 Years: Part 2

New This Month: September

Happy September! We know some of you have already started to pull out your sweaters, sweatshirts, and fall decor, while you sip on your pumpkin coffee…but don’t forget to also stock up your shelves for some cozy fall reading. Browse our lineup of books publishing this month and take advantage of our anniversary sale with 40% off your order when you use… Continue Reading New This Month: September

How Starving Soldiers Survived

The following is an excerpt from Feeding Washington’s Army: Surviving the Valley Forge Winter of 1778 by Ricardo A. Herrera available everywhere books and e-books are sold. Faced with the collapse of the commissariat and the all too real potential of scattering the army across eastern Pennsylvania so that it might feed itself, Washington was on the horns of a dilemma.… Continue Reading How Starving Soldiers Survived

Reading List for Women’s Equality Day

Happy Women’s Equality Day! To celebrate, we’ve created a reading list of books covering a range of topics including women’s suffrage, workplace equality, human rights, and more. Recasting the Vote: How Women of Color Transformed the Suffrage Movement by Cathleen D. Cahill Honorable Mention, 2020 Armitage-Jameson Prize, Coalition for Western Women’s History Honorable Mention, 2022 President’s Book Prize, Society for… Continue Reading Reading List for Women’s Equality Day

Martin Luther King Jr. and the “Coca Cola Scenario”

Sunday, August 28, we celebrate the anniversary of the March on Washington and Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. In the following guest post, Daniel T. Fleming, author of Living the Dream: The Contested History of Martin Luther King Jr. Day—available NOW wherever books and e-books are sold—writes about the history surrounding the copyright of the… Continue Reading Martin Luther King Jr. and the “Coca Cola Scenario”

Looking Back: A Year After Taliban Regains Control in Afghanistan

In August of 2021, twenty years after the US-led-invasion ousted them from power, the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan. In Us Versus Them: The United States, Radical Islam, and the Rise of the Green Threat, Second Edition acclaimed historian of U.S.–Middle East foreign relations, Douglas Little, examines how American presidents, policy makers, and diplomats dealt with the rise of Islamic… Continue Reading Looking Back: A Year After Taliban Regains Control in Afghanistan

Hot Off The Press: August

Happy pub month to our August books! Browse our books publishing this month and DON’T FORGET to also take advantage of our anniversary sale and get 40% off your order with code 01DAH40—more info about the sale on our 100th Anniversary sale page. Eating While Black: Food Shaming and Race in America by Psyche Williams-Forson “Eating While Black is a thoughtful… Continue Reading Hot Off The Press: August

Iconic Books From the Past 100 Years

Over the past 100 years UNC Press is proud to have published an extensive catalog of award winning and highly praised books. As we celebrate our centennial, we’ve looked back at these prestigious titles to create a reading list of some of our most influential and iconic books—enjoy! White Over Black: American Attitudes toward the Negro, 1550-1812 1969 National Book… Continue Reading Iconic Books From the Past 100 Years

Hot Off The Press: July

Looking for your next read? Need another book for your zoom bookshelf? You may find what you’re looking for in our July releases. You can also take advantage of our anniversary sale and get 40% off your order with code 01DAH40—more info about the sale on our 100th Anniversary sale page. Suffer the Little Children: Child Migration and the Geopolitics… Continue Reading Hot Off The Press: July

UNC Press at AUPresses 2022

Once a year, academic publishing professionals convene for the Association of University Presses Annual Meeting. Following CDC guidelines and in an effort to limit the spread of Covid-19, the 2020 and 2021 meetings were held virtually. This year, the AUPresses Annual Meeting resumed in person in Washington DC. Members of UNC Press staff traveled to DC to attend, and here’s… Continue Reading UNC Press at AUPresses 2022