We Like Excuses To Eat: May is National Barbecue Month

The month for honoring mothers, recognizing college graduates and remembering fallen service men and women is drawing to a close. While these occasions – along with blooming flowers and blue skies – take the spotlight in May, we shouldn’t forget the month long celebration for National Barbecue Month! Last year we told you the guidelines for North Carolina barbecue, as… Continue Reading We Like Excuses To Eat: May is National Barbecue Month

Rand Paul and Segregation

It seems as though Rand Paul, the Republican candidate for the United States Senate from Kentucky, son of Texas congressman Ron Paul, and self-proclaimed representative of the Tea Party movement, has some serious difficulty explaining his approach to questions of race and civil rights. During an appearance on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show, Paul started by saying that he liked civil… Continue Reading Rand Paul and Segregation

The Legacy of Thomas Day

During the mid-1800s, Thomas Day was the most successful cabinet maker working  in North Carolina.  A significant figure in the history of woodworking, equally as important for his role in American history as an astoundingly successful free man of color in the Antebellum South, Day developed a truly original aesthetic and showed unmatched skill as a maker of cabinets, furniture,… Continue Reading The Legacy of Thomas Day

Sweet Tea on the Chicago Stage

We’ve blogged before about E. Patrick Johnson’s amazing Sweet Tea project–the book, the performances. Johnson is now starring in the one-man-show called Sweet Tea at the Viaduct Theater in Chicago through May 29. Here’s a taste of his preparation with director Daniel Alexander Jones. We have a special website dedicated to Sweet Tea, where you can see clips of Johnson’s… Continue Reading Sweet Tea on the Chicago Stage

Lena Horne and the Irony of Cultural Politics

We welcome a guest post today from Lauren Rebecca Sklaroff, author of Black Culture and the New Deal: The Quest for Civil Rights in the Roosevelt Era. In her book, Sklaroff argues that New Deal cultural programs supporting notable black intellectuals, celebrities, and artists (including Lena Horne, Joe Louis, Duke Ellington, and Richard Wright) represent a key moment in the… Continue Reading Lena Horne and the Irony of Cultural Politics

NASCAR Hall of Fame Opens

Tomorrow’s the big day: the NASCAR Hall of Fame grand opening in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Asheville Citizen-Times gives us a little taste of the place. Later this month, five legendary figures from NASCAR history will be inducted into the Hall of Fame: Dale Earnhardt, Bill France Jr., Bill France Sr., Junior Johnson, and Richard Petty. We’ve got no quarrel… Continue Reading NASCAR Hall of Fame Opens

Victory in Vietnam: The Myth That Won’t Die But Can’t Stand Up

The U.K. edition of A Vietnam War Reader: A Documentary History from American and Vietnamese Perspectives hits bookstores across the pond today — just as Britons head to the polls to elect a new Prime Minister. In a previous guest post, editor Michael H. Hunt addressed one of the more striking similarities between the Vietnam War and the current conflict… Continue Reading Victory in Vietnam: The Myth That Won’t Die But Can’t Stand Up

When Janey Comes Marching Home – Photo exhibit now in Arlington, Va.

When Janey Comes Marching Home: Portraits of Women Combat Veterans is more than a book we’ve just published — it’s a multimedia project based on interviews with dozens of female military veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The book juxtaposes 48 photographs by Sascha Pflaeging with oral histories collected by Laura Browder to provide a dramatic portrait of… Continue Reading When Janey Comes Marching Home – Photo exhibit now in Arlington, Va.

Recovering lost ground on Title IX

Joe Biden recently announced some changes to Title IX policies to close a loophole opened up by the Bush administration in 2005. Glad to see Title IX taken seriously by this administration. There’s still a ways to go to bring full equality to women’s sports, however. Jennifer Etnier (author of Bring Your “A” Game: A Young Athlete’s Guide to Mental… Continue Reading Recovering lost ground on Title IX

Septima Clark, Freedom’s Teacher

It is night. A lone black woman walks through a cornfield in South Carolina. The stars wink above her. Crickets and cicadas grow quiet as she passes and then resume their orchestral humming, now punctuated by the sound of rustling leaves a little farther off. She moves toward an unpainted one-room building. When she gets there, she will have to… Continue Reading Septima Clark, Freedom’s Teacher

The Republicans’ “Southern Strategy” Unmasked?

When we got wind of Michael Steele’s recent comments about the Republican Party continuing a “Southern Strategy” for the past 40 years, we turned to an expert on southern politics for insight into Steele’s allusion to the Nixon-era strategy of racial exclusion. Michael Perman is author of Pursuit of Unity: A Political History of the American South, which traces the… Continue Reading The Republicans’ “Southern Strategy” Unmasked?

The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: Fate and Behavior

We welcome a guest post today from Stan Ulanski, author of The Gulf Stream: Tiny Plankton, Giant Bluefin, and the Amazing Story of the Powerful River in the Atlantic. After the deadly explosion on an oil rig off the coast of Louisiana last week, thousands of gallons of oil started pouring into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. We… Continue Reading The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: Fate and Behavior

Gerda Lerner’s 90th

We write today in anticipation of Gerda Lerner’s 90th birthday, coming up Friday, April 30.  Her students and colleagues and publishers who know her as the founder of her field all shout “Happy birthday!” But whether you know her by name or not, she has certainly shaped the world of ideas around you.  And for that, as well as for… Continue Reading Gerda Lerner’s 90th

Confederate History Month and the Politics of Memory

We welcome a guest post today from Anne E. Marshall, author of Creating a Confederate Kentucky: The Lost Cause and Civil War Memory in a Border State, which we’ll publish in December 2010. The book traces the development of a Confederate identity in Kentucky between 1865 and 1925 that belied the fact that Kentucky never left the Union and that… Continue Reading Confederate History Month and the Politics of Memory

Gazetteer Contest Winner Announced!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in our Gazetteer/NC trivia contest. Maybe we’ll have to come up with harder questions next time? Of the 29 people who responded to the contest, 15 got all the answers correct. It all hinged on question #7: How many North Carolina counties take their name from American Indian words or names? The correct answer, according… Continue Reading Gazetteer Contest Winner Announced!

Pauley Receives Austrian Cross of Honor

During his scholarly career, Bruce Pauley has built a name for himself as an authority on Austrian history. Pauley’s five books on the subject, including the award winning UNC Press publication From Prejudice to Persecution: A History of Austrian Anti-Semitism, have previously earned the professor a number of awards and distinctions, including the 1994 Austrian Cultural Institute Book Prize and… Continue Reading Pauley Receives Austrian Cross of Honor

Farewell to Intern Matt

It’s a bittersweet day in UNC Press blogland. Today we must say farewell to blogging intern extraordinaire Matt Poindexter, who’s about to take off for one last summer of freedom before starting law school and then working for a living, becoming a major donor to UNC Press, saving the planet and all its women and children, etc. Remember when he… Continue Reading Farewell to Intern Matt

Earth Day in the Southern Appalachians

On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day celebrations and teach-ins were held in Philadelphia, PA. Over the forty years since then, Earth Day has spread throughout the United States and around the globe, becoming an observed event in almost every nation worldwide. To recognize this important day, UNC Press would like to welcome author Jennifer Frick-Ruppert to the blog.… Continue Reading Earth Day in the Southern Appalachians

CONTEST: Your knowledge of NC trivia could win you a free book!

It’s been over forty years since William S. Powell came out with The North Carolina Gazetteer: A Dictionary of Tar Heel Places, which quickly became a hit for its descriptive catalog of cities, towns, crossroads, waterways, mountains, and other places. This spring, UNC Press is excited to publish the revised and expanded 2nd edition of The North Carolina Gazetteer, by… Continue Reading CONTEST: Your knowledge of NC trivia could win you a free book!