Category: UNC Press News

The UNC Press Holiday Sale is HERE!

The time has come for eggnog, candlelight, and the UNC Press Holiday Sale! For the first time ever, ALL of our books are 20% off original prices, from now until December 31st. If you order by December 7th, you’ll even get FREE SHIPPING and guaranteed delivery by Christmas. There are many great titles that would be perfect Christmas gifts, including:… Continue Reading The UNC Press Holiday Sale is HERE!

Give My Poor Heart Ease

Give My Poor Heart Ease: Voices of the Mississippi Blues, by Bill Ferris, was published earlier this month, and we could not be happier with the attention it has garnered the few short weeks it has been on the shelves! The book is more than just pages of words connected at the spine, it is really an archive of footage… Continue Reading Give My Poor Heart Ease

What has College Football become?

Another college football season is coming to an end, and as a fan of the sport, in general, and the Tar Heels, in particular, this time of year always makes me a little sad, even with our beloved state pastime—hoops anyone?—having arrived. (Let me be clear to my fellow Heels fans: I’m not saying the Tar Heels’ season is over–there’s… Continue Reading What has College Football become?

UNC Press Goes West (And Likes It)

First, let’s set the scene: A little closer… Last Sunday, UNC Press held a book party at the historic Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC.  The event celebrated three of our fall 2009 titles: Foy Allen Edelman, author of SWEET CAROLINA, spent six years traveling every inch of North Carolina to collect the best in local dessert recipes; the result… Continue Reading UNC Press Goes West (And Likes It)

Don’t Ignore the Signs about Breast Cancer Awareness

Whether you or someone you know is battling breast cancer, or you are just going about your daily routine, breast cancer awareness is hard to miss.  October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it is nice to see support coming from everywhere–sidewalk signs to window displays to NFL football helmets–PINK is definitely the IT color this month, this year, anytime… Continue Reading Don’t Ignore the Signs about Breast Cancer Awareness

Sweet Carolina and the Sweet State Fair

The call of carnies. The largest pig you’ve ever seen. The cotton candy. The midway. The chocolate-dipped bacon. The rides that click up, up, up, then, suddenly—drop—and the shrieks of the riders as they fall. And up they go again. All the many-colored lights—the fried food—the livestock clucking, hopping, mooing. And the crowds, crowds, crowds on these crisp October nights.… Continue Reading Sweet Carolina and the Sweet State Fair

Tom Bowers to speak about the early years of journalism education at UNC

Tom Bowers is author of Making News: One Hundred Years of Journalism and Mass Communication at Carolina, distributed by UNC Press for the School of Journalism and Mass Communication of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In Making News, Bowers relates the story of how the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina… Continue Reading Tom Bowers to speak about the early years of journalism education at UNC

Fall SALE: Hundreds of Books Half Price

1) Are the leaves half gone from the trees in your neighborhood? a. Yes. b. No, they’re all gone. c. Turning colors, but still hanging on. d. What trees? 2) Are sunny days half as warm as they were in July? a. Yes. And half again. b. No. We do not experience such fluctuations in temperature. c. Maybe today, but… Continue Reading Fall SALE: Hundreds of Books Half Price

Sotomayor, baseball, and Hispanic heritage

Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court began their annual session with the newest justice, Sonia Sotomayor, joining in for the first time. And she jumped right in with both feet, asking lots of questions of the lawyers appearing before the court that day. A couple of weeks ago, as part of the New York Yankees’ Hispanic Heritage Month, Sotomayor threw out… Continue Reading Sotomayor, baseball, and Hispanic heritage

Grab your bib and head to the North Carolina Seafood Festival!

Grab your oyster knives and crab crackers! This weekend, Morehead City will be hosting the 23rd annual North Carolina Seafood Festival. Friday through Sunday, October 2-4, locals and out-of-towners can enjoy all the Crystal Coast has to offer. Events include the Outer Banks Boat Show, cooking demonstrations by renowned chefs, live music, rides, an open air market with arts and… Continue Reading Grab your bib and head to the North Carolina Seafood Festival!

Pouring Tea: The Fall 2009 Tour Begins

I know we’re not supposed to have favorite authors here at the Press, but since I live in the IT World and rarely interact with our authors, I’ll provide myself with something of an exemption. Last September I wrote about E. Patrick Johnson’s newly released book, titled Sweet Tea: Black Gay Men of the South. At that time I had… Continue Reading Pouring Tea: The Fall 2009 Tour Begins

Nick Syrett on the Greek System, Then and Now

It’s mid-September and many of us are now back in the swing of the school year; we are surrounded by the sights and sounds of new and returning students, not just in class but all across campus. Among these students at many colleges and universities are the conspicuous members of fraternities wearing their T-shirts advertising last year’s luau, Greek week,… Continue Reading Nick Syrett on the Greek System, Then and Now

Books + Free Entertainment = Great Weekend Plans

If you are like me, you look forward to the weekends, but dread spending the annoying amounts of money that usually accompany your weekend entertainment. Well, this weekend, you are in luck.  If you are going to be in or around Chapel Hill this weekend, you MUST check out The North Carolina Literary Festival on the UNC campus. Here’s  a… Continue Reading Books + Free Entertainment = Great Weekend Plans

What we’ve saved by going green

Long concerned with the environmental impact involved in the making of books, UNC Press has been a member of the Green Press Initiative since the program’s founding in 2001. This means we’re committed to recycling at the office and we give preference to postconsumer and chlorine-free papers in our book manufacturing. You can read more details about our environmental policy… Continue Reading What we’ve saved by going green

Better Barbecue Through Chemistry!

As I have written here before, I’m a Yankee Vegetarian who came to the South too late to discover the taste of North Carolina Barbecue (in any of its varieties). However, as a self-proclaimed Foodie and something of a geek, if there’s one thing that brings out my inner Alton Brown it’s some good old Food Science. And I don’t… Continue Reading Better Barbecue Through Chemistry!

Lisa Levenstein weighs in on health care, government involvement & “Old Blockley”

Below is an excerpt of an op-ed piece that Lisa Levenstein wrote in the Philadelphia Inquirer about government involvement in health care and the Philadelphia General Hospital. She uses “Old Blockley,” as it was often called, as an example of a a successful public hospital that treated everyone with compassion. Levenstein is an assistant professor of history at the University… Continue Reading Lisa Levenstein weighs in on health care, government involvement & “Old Blockley”

Mental Toughness in Sports: A Ballerina’s Perspective

Imagine sitting in a backstage dressing room, snacking on trail mix and chatting with your friends, when your ballet teacher rushes in, frantically calling your name and informing you that one of the princesses has sprained her ankle and must be replaced in the ballet’s final act just ten minutes away. You are the shocked understudy required to dance in… Continue Reading Mental Toughness in Sports: A Ballerina’s Perspective


Jack Temple Kirby, author of MOCKINGBIRD SONG: ECOLOGICAL LANDSCAPES OF THE SOUTH (2006)–winner of the 2007 Bancroft Prize awarded annually to a book “of exceptional merit” by Columbia University and the 2007 Bennett H. Wall Award given for the best book in Southern economic or businesshistory from the Southern Historical Association–died on August 6. Kirby also wrote POQUOSIN: A STUDY… Continue Reading JACK TEMPLE KIRBY (1938-2009)

David Stick 1919-2009

UNC Press author Bland Simpson has made his name on a myriad of talents, one of which is his superb ability to write about North Carolina’s coastline. Since 1993, UNC Press has published five of Simpson’s books about the area, with the most recent work–The Inner Islands–scheduled for paperback publication in the spring of 2010. I mention Simpson because his… Continue Reading David Stick 1919-2009

Launch Week at UNC Press!

If you are wondering why you haven’t seen many fresh UNC Press blog posts lately, you have launch week to thank for that. UNC Press folks spent all of last week–save a lunch break here and there–discussing the 70+ titles that will make up our list for Spring 2010. While we are exhausted (sigh) we are certain that it was… Continue Reading Launch Week at UNC Press!