Category: UNC Press News


Some exciting news  regarding UNC Press… AAUP meeting: Several folks from UNC Press traveled to Philadelphia, PA last weekend for the annual AAUP meeting–Joanna Ruth Marsland, our Director of Development had this to say about the meeting: “…The sessions focused on “best practices” for the various departments and activities within university presses, and the ones I attended were very good.… Continue Reading AAUP,…

Gary Bunt on the 2009 Iranian presidential elections…

Gary R. Bunt, senior lecturer in Islamic studies at the University of Wales, was kind enough to share his time and thoughts on the events surrounding the 2009 Iranian presidential election, the protests, and the deeply entrenched tensions between politics and religion. His most recent book, iMuslims, sheds new light on the nature of contemporary Islamic discourse, identity, and community.… Continue Reading Gary Bunt on the 2009 Iranian presidential elections…

Juneteenth, Emancipation, and the Proclamation

Today, the UNC Press blog is happy to offer a guest post from William A. Blair, professor of U.S. history and director of the George and Ann Richards Civil War Era Center at the Pennsylvania State University. In November, UNC Press will be publishing Lincoln’s Proclamation, a collection of essays coedited by Blair and Karen F. Younger that offers new… Continue Reading Juneteenth, Emancipation, and the Proclamation

Celebrate National Soul Food Month with Mama Dip

I once worked at a restaurant that served fried chicken livers in a martini glass with some fancy sauce drizzled over the top in a perfect zig-zag pattern. Soul food sure isn’t what it used to be. This unique genre of food, always comforting and often greasy, should never be served in stemware. Soul food is about making the most… Continue Reading Celebrate National Soul Food Month with Mama Dip

UNC Press on Facebook!

Facebook seems to be everywhere you look these days and everyone you know is on the social networking site. Now you can find the University of North Carolina Press on Facebook as well! By searching “University of North Carolina Press,” and clicking “become a fan,” you will gain access to lots of information regarding new books, upcoming events and goings… Continue Reading UNC Press on Facebook!

One Fantastic Ride with the Champs

For everyone associated with North Carolina Tar Heel basketball, the 2008-2009 season was as good as it gets. Key players returned when they could have easily picked up paychecks in the NBA. Records were broken by individuals and team alike. Starters picked up conference and national awards in droves. Best of all, the Heels won the basketball program’s fifth NCAA… Continue Reading One Fantastic Ride with the Champs

B.B. King & Book Expo America 2009

I am pleased to report that while Book Expo America 2009 seemed slightly sluggish for others, it was a downright success for UNC Press. With over 1500 exhibitors at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City this past weekend, UNC Press was a standout among the crowd–and who wouldn’t want to know what we were up to with… Continue Reading B.B. King & Book Expo America 2009

Barbecue….It’s a Noun, Not a Verb, Y’all!

Well folks, that special time is finally upon us—it’s Barbecue Month! (Well, it was throughout May, but we celebrate all year long!) While many of those around the country are probably thinking it’s time to dust off their grilling machines and spatulas, we in the south know what this month is really celebrating, and that is the barbecue that comes… Continue Reading Barbecue….It’s a Noun, Not a Verb, Y’all!

Happy National Maritime Day!

Happy National Maritime Day! Today, I ask that each of you take a closer look at those crab legs you’re eating, or that naval ship you see when you are at the beach and really consider how important sailors, the sea, and the maritime industry is to our daily lives. May 22, 1933 marks the date that the American steamship… Continue Reading Happy National Maritime Day!

Director Kate Torrey named one of 50 Top Women in Book Publishing

This month’s cover story for Book Business magazine is a list of 50 Top Women in Book Publishing. Book Business’ first annual “50 Top Women in Book Publishing” feature recognizes and honors some of these industry leaders who affect and transform how publishing companies do business, and what—and how—consumers read. The women who were selected this year represent various segments… Continue Reading Director Kate Torrey named one of 50 Top Women in Book Publishing

Meet the Armchair Birder…dot com!!

What do you see when you look out your window? City-friendly pigeons? Meadow-loving bluebirds? John Yow, author of the fun and fantastic new book The Armchair Birder: Discovering the Secret Lives of Familiar Birds, is now blogging! He talks about birds almost all of us have heard of and that many of us see on a regular basis. He’s watching… Continue Reading Meet the Armchair Birder…dot com!!

Get satisfaction: the indy publisher blog feed

You may have noticed a new widget in the righthand sidebar over the last several weeks. (It was previously down under the categories and tag cloud; I just bumped it up to prime real estate today.) In the right column, just under the search box is a bigger box displaying current headlines from the blogs of dozens of other university… Continue Reading Get satisfaction: the indy publisher blog feed

Big birthday wishes to 2 legendary UNC Press authors!!

Two well-loved and renowned authors are celebrating major birthdays this month. On 4/11, Mama Dip turned 80 years old (Photo Ann Hawthorne) Mildred Council, aka “Mama Dip,” has won the hearts of Chapel Hillians for decades as a restaurateur and community builder. In 1999 we published her first cookbook, Mama Dip’s Kitchen, which became a runaway bestseller and made her… Continue Reading Big birthday wishes to 2 legendary UNC Press authors!!

Upcoming events, 4/21 – 4/27

New York, NY – Today! Tuesday 4/21 at 6 pm – Ann Marie Stock, author of On Location in Cuba: Street Filmmaking during Times of Transition (hot off the press!), will be speaking at the Havana Film Festival at the King Juan Carlos Center. Raleigh, NC – Wed., 4/22 at 11 am – Rob Christensen, author of The Paradox of… Continue Reading Upcoming events, 4/21 – 4/27

Those Who Don’t Learn From History Are Doomed to Repeat it….

April 14, 2009 proved to be a dark day for progress and equality in, ironically, one of the most liberal collegiate atmospheres in the country. Forty-six years after the highly controversial Speaker Ban law was passed, it seems that the UNC Chapel Hill finds itself once again in the spotlight. In 1963, the Speaker Ban prohibited members of the Communist… Continue Reading Those Who Don’t Learn From History Are Doomed to Repeat it….

SIBA book award finalists include Holy Smoke & biography of Susie Sharp

The Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance is narrowing in on the year’s best southern books. Here’s how they describe the process: Each year, hundreds of booksellers across the South vote on their favorite hand-sell books of the year. These are the Southern books they have most enjoyed selling to customers; the ones that they couldn’t stop talking about; the ones most… Continue Reading SIBA book award finalists include Holy Smoke & biography of Susie Sharp

Glue Sticks & Glitter: Art talk from two people who know very little about art

The Ackland Art Museum’s current exhibition At the Heart of Progress: Coal, Iron, and Steam since 1750 – Industrial Imagery from the John P. Eckblad Collection is a worthwhile venture into the dark world of progress. The artwork vacillates between hard, industrial imagery and intimate views of man’s relation to the hard work of a new world. Though often downtrodden,… Continue Reading Glue Sticks & Glitter: Art talk from two people who know very little about art

Upcoming events: UNC wins NCAA championship, etc.

The Tar Heels are on order by the Commander in Chief to win the NCAA tourney tonight. Go Heels!! Here’s a preview of tonight’s celebration on Franklin Street. This video was shot on Saturday, when the Tar Heels beat Villanova in the final four. Hopefully any potential thunderstorms and tornadoes will happen sooner rather than later today so we can… Continue Reading Upcoming events: UNC wins NCAA championship, etc.

In memoriam, Archie Green (1917-2009)

I wrote briefly last week (in rather vague terms) about some of Archie Green’s accomplishments. Over the weekend, the New York Times and Los Angeles Times both published lengthy obituaries. I wanted to offer a more personal glimpse of him here from a longtime friend and colleague of Green’s, Robert Cantwell. In 2001 UNC Press published Green’s collection Torching the… Continue Reading In memoriam, Archie Green (1917-2009)